Please take a moment to review VTP’s COVID-19 Policies before your appointment.

Here is what you can expect during your first visit to our office:

  • Bring your ID, insurance card and/or copay if applicable.

  • We share a door area with Kenyon’s Jewelers. Just ring the bell and give us a few; we’ll be down to answer it.

  • Make yourself at home; we have a few beverages you may like – coffee, tea, water, apple cider or soda.

  • After you’re comfortable, there are some papers we would like you to sign; once we explain them of course.

  • If a drug and alcohol assessment and/or mental health evaluation will be done, it normally takes 45 to 60 minutes of your time by a Licensed Clinician and prayerfully your needs will be met.

  • Hopefully, your session went well and we will see you again; come upfront to schedule a follow up if you like.